Image of Eric P. Caspar

Eric P. Caspar

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May 14, 1941
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Dead Pigeon on Beethoven Street 1973-01-07
Latest Project:
Movie Europas letzter Sommer 2012-06-30
Known For
Poster of Unschuldige Biester
Poster of A Guru Comes
Movie Europas letzter Sommer Clemens Delbrück 2012-06-30
Movie Die Konterrevolution Wolfgang Kapp 2011-05-20
Movie Transfer Werner 2010-09-23
Movie Nightcast General Torment 2007-12-18
Movie Baader Innenminister 2002-11-10
Movie Unschuldige Biester Dr. Hintersenner 1999-10-06
Movie Joseph Bera 1995-04-10
Movie Escape from Sobibor Capt. Franz Reichleitner 1987-04-12
Movie A Guru Comes Sebastian Müller-Strehlitz 1980-12-08
Movie Es begann bei Tiffany 1979-04-30
Movie Dead Pigeon on Beethoven Street 1973-01-07
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