Image of Nikolay Grinko

Nikolay Grinko

український кіноактор. Дебютував у кіно 1951 року в ролі Бунтаря у фільмі Ігоря Савченка «Тарас Шевченко».

Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
May 22, 1920
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Taras Shevchenko 1951-12-17
Latest Project:
Movie HyperNormalisation 2016-10-25
Known For
Poster of Two Knew the Password
Poster of Vesnukhin's Fantasies
Poster of Funny Stories
Movie HyperNormalisation The Professor (archive footage) 2016-10-25
Series Hamburg Dockland Waldemar Rebel 2007-01-04
Movie My Sister Lucy Ilya Lyova 1985-01-02
Movie Two Knew the Password 1985-12-16
Movie A Million in a Wedding Basket Del Simone 1985-06-06
Movie Here is your front 1984-02-06
Movie The Unknown Soldier Grandfather 1984-06-06
Movie No Right to Fail 1984-06-06
Movie Mirgorod and Its Inhabitants Ivan Ivanovich 1983-01-01
Movie How I Was a Prodigy 1983-04-20
Movie Deer Hunting 1982-05-15
Movie A Mystery Known to All старший пират Толстяк 1981-06-01
Movie The Youth of Peter Nektaryi 1981-03-02
Movie Be My Husband курортник 1981-06-06
Movie The Order: Do Not Open Fire Razin 1981-06-06
Movie Two Long Hoots in the Fog Fyodor Kalashnikov 1981-07-20
Movie Teheran '43 Ermolin - resident of the NKGB USSR 1981-07-08
Movie The Adventures of the Electronic Professor Gromov 1980-03-23
Movie Solo Aleksandr Mihaylovich 1980-12-01
Movie At the Beginning of Glorious Days Nektaryi 1980-10-29
Movie Last Hunt 1979-06-01
Movie Accidental Passengers 1978-06-06
Movie 100 grams for Bravery Nikitin 1977-05-23
Movie Timur and His Team 1977-05-01
Movie The Liberation of Prague General Bradley 1977-05-06
Movie One-Two, Soldiers Were Going... Полковник 1976-06-06
Movie Twenty Days Without War Vyacheslav 1976-11-08
Movie Vesnukhin's Fantasies Uncle Styopa, Militiaman 1976-09-01
Movie Woodpeckers Don't Get Headaches Father 1975-11-05
Movie The Lost Expedition Аркадий Николаевич Смелков (профессор) 1975-12-29
Movie The Adventures of Buratino Papa Carlo / Папа Карло 1975-12-31
Movie Car, Violin and Blot the Dog папа Олега, музыкант на контрабасе 1974-06-06
Movie Starling and Lyre "Uncle Vanya" 1974-06-16
Movie Adventures in the City which Doesn't Exist Don Quixote 1974-06-01
Movie Vesenniye perevyortyshi 1974-10-21
Movie Romance for Lovers Vice-Admiral 1974-11-10
Movie Under a Stone Sky Старостин 1974-10-25
Movie Romashkin Effect Аристарх Иванович Занозов 1973-06-06
Movie Solaris Kelvin's Father 1972-03-20
Movie Night Motorcyclist Boris Mikhaylovich Komarovskiy 1972-12-28
Movie One of Us Keller 1971-01-18
Movie The Golden Gates Bishop 1971-03-01
Movie The Commissars Arefiev 1971-07-01
Movie Only Three Nights 1969-01-01
Movie Subject for a Short Story Anton Pavlovich Chekhov 1969-10-06
Movie Dangerous Tour Andrei Maksimovich / Viscount de Cordel 1969-12-07
Movie War and Peace Desalles 1968-04-28
Movie One Chance in One Thousand Denis Korneyevich Prokhorenko 1968-12-20
Movie Buryan Mironov, secretary of the Party Committee 1967-07-09
Movie War and Peace, Part III: The Year 1812 Desalles 1967-07-21
Movie Andrei Rublev Daniil Chornyy 1966-12-16
Movie Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors Batag 1965-10-18
Movie No Unknown Soldiers Military physician 1965-12-01
Movie A Dream 1964-12-12
Movie A Great Road Ahead brigade commander 1963-04-27
Movie Ivan's Childhood Gryaznov 1962-05-09
Movie Funny Stories дядя Боря 1962-05-22
Movie Peace to Him Who Enters американец 1961-09-04
Movie Pavel Korchagin 1956-06-06
Movie Taras Shevchenko kripak-buntar 1951-12-17
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