Image of Ruth McGill

Ruth McGill

Ruth McGill is an actress, singer, and singing coach from Done­gal. She grad­u­ated with a BA in Act­ing Stud­ies from the Samuel Beck­ett Cen­tre, Trin­ity Col­lege Dublin. She is cur­rently star­ring in The Bor­row­ers at the Gate Theatre. She also recently played the role of Kate there, in the Gate’s crit­i­cally acclaimed pro­duc­tion of Danc­ing at Lugh­nasa, directed by Car­o­line Byrne. Her the­atre cred­its include per­for­mances in Fur­ni­ture (Druid The­atre Com­pany); Assas­sins, The Con­stant Wife, Romeo and Juliet, The Three­penny Opera, and Sweeney Todd (Gate The­atre); Let the Right One In, Jimmy’s Hall, Anna Karen­ina, Done­gal, Twelfth Night, Alice in Fun­der­land, Christ Deliver Us!, The Last Days of a Reluc­tant Tyrant, The Cherry Orchard (The Abbey The­atre); Dublin­ers, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, FREEFALL (Corn Exchange The­atre Com­pany); The Dead Opera (Per­for­mance Cor­po­ra­tion); The Requiem for The Truth (Col­laps­ing Horse The­atre Com­pany); Stoker (Ouroboros); Macbecks (Olympia The­atre); All in The Tim­ing (Inis The­atre); Every­body Loves Sylvia, Drowned World, and The Illu­sion (Ran­dolf SD). She was twice nom­i­nated for The Irish Times The­atre Award for Best Sup­port­ing Actress for her per­for­mances in The Three­penny Opera and FREEFALL. Ruth’s film and tele­vi­sion cred­its include At Sea, KIN, Dead Happy, Nowhere Fast, Mis­cal­cu­la­tion, Jack Tay­lor, Damo and Ivor, Won­der House, What Richard Did, Love/​Hate II, Leap Year and The Clinic.

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In Glentogher, Donegal, Ireland
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Leap Year 2010-01-08
Latest Project:
Movie At Sea 2026
Known For
Poster of At Sea
Poster of Miscalculation
Poster of What Richard Did
Poster of Leap Year
Movie At Sea Woman 2026
Series Kin Rhiannon 2021-09-09
Movie Miscalculation Nuala 2014-11-12
Movie What Richard Did Female Detective 2012-09-09
Movie Leap Year Woman In Village 2010-01-08
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