Image of Oleg Korchikov

Oleg Korchikov

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Oleg Korchikov. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Jan 2, 1939
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Red Snowball Tree 1974-03-25
Latest Project:
Movie Petrovich 2012-09-02
Known For
Poster of Последний бронепоезд
Poster of The Vultures on the Road
Poster of Before Dawn
Poster of 72 Degrees Below Zero
Movie Petrovich 2012-09-02
Movie Connected by Time дед Семеныч 2010-11-18
Movie Gentlemen Officers: Save the Emperor 2008-04-17
Movie 1612: Chronicles of the Dark Time 2007-10-28
Movie Последний бронепоезд Fadeyev 2006-01-04
Movie Lady for One Day tramp 2002-06-06
Movie Give Me the Moonlight 2001-03-01
Movie Contract with Death 1998-06-06
Movie From Hell to Hell 1997-10-17
Movie Do It, Manya! 1991-07-05
Movie Wild Field Луп 1991-04-09
Movie New Scheherazade 1990-01-01
Movie Whit Monday Nikolai Ivanovich Khristoforov 1990-01-01
Movie I'm Declaring War on You Vorotnikov 1990-12-01
Movie The Vultures on the Road Bakhmetyev 1990-01-01
Movie Before Dawn 1989-01-01
Movie ‎Yurka - the Son of the Commander‎ 1984-08-06
Movie Golden Shoes 1981-01-01
Movie Bread, Gold, Gun nachal'nik stantsii 1981-03-02
Movie Forget the Word 'Death' Левченко, начальник милиции 1979-11-01
Movie Captain Lie-Devil Nikolay Ivanovich 1979-12-10
Movie Risk Strategy 1978-11-28
Movie 72 Degrees Below Zero Vassiliy Komov 1977-07-11
Movie В профиль и анфас (Киноальманах) милиционер (новела «Волки») 1977-10-20
Movie Magic Circle Клоун 1976-01-01
Movie Следую своим курсом 1975-06-09
Movie The Red Snowball Tree Шура 1974-03-25
Movie Blockade: The Luga Defense Line Kozin 1974-12-01
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