Star Crossed (2009)

Follows the fictional rivalry between two of Portugal's most prominent football teams - Invicta e Castelo and how their mutual disdain has spread further than the pitch.

  • Mark Heller

  • Tiago R. Santos
  • Neil Jackson

Release Date: 2009-06-04
themoviedb icon 5.1/10
  • Country: PT
  • Language: English | Português
  • Runtime: 95
  • Budget: $6,321,500

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Wayne Duvall
Wayne Duvall
Dr. Lawrence
Teresa Tavares
Teresa Tavare...
Inês Silva
Diogo Morgado
Diogo Morgado
Hugo Pereira
Kyle Redmond-Jones
Kyle Redmond-...
Paul Collins
Luke Mably
Luke Mably
Alex Pierce
Virgílio Castelo
Virgílio Cast...
Pedro Escalus
Adriano Carvalho
Adriano Carva...
António Vieira
António Fonseca
António Fonse...
José Carlos Silva, Invicta President
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