ROH: Supercard of Honor IX (2015)

*MAIN EVENT* ROH World Championship Match Jay Briscoe (c) vs "Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe ROH World Television Championship Match Jay Lethal (c) vs Jushin "Thunder" Liger ROH World Tag T...eam Championship Match reDRagon (c) vs the Kingdom w/ Maria Kanellis Christopher Daniels vs Roderick Strong BJ Whitmer vs Jimmy Jacobs Michael Elgin vs Frankie Kazarian 6 Man Mayhem #Reborn Matt Sydal vs Moose vs Tommaso Ciampa vs Caprice Coleman vs Cedric Alexander vs Andrew Everett ACH vs Mark Briscoe more

Release Date: 2015-03-27
  • Country: US
  • Language: English
  • Runtime: 180

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Nuufolau Joel Seanoa
Nuufolau Joel...
Samoa Joe
Jamin Pugh
Jamin Pugh
Jay Briscoe
Jamar Shipman
Jamar Shipman
Jay Lethal
Jushin Thunder Liger
Jushin Thunde...
Kyle Greenwood
Kyle Greenwoo...
Kyle O'Reilly
Bobby Fish
Bobby Fish
Austin Jenkins
Austin Jenkin...
Adam Cole
Christopher Daniels
Christopher D...
Chris Lindsey
Chris Lindsey
Roderick Strong
Benjamin Whitmer
Benjamin Whit...
BJ Whitmer
Aaron Frobel
Aaron Frobel
Michael Elgin
Frankie Kazarian
Frankie Kazar...
Matthew Korklan
Matthew Korkl...
Matt Sydal
Tommaso Whitney
Tommaso Whitn...
Tommaso Ciampa
Caprice Coleman
Caprice Colem...
Caprice Coleman
Cederick Johnson
Cederick John...
Cedric Alexander
Mark Pugh
Mark Pugh
Mark Briscoe
Matthew Marinelli
Matthew Marin...
Matt Taven
Michael Bennett
Michael Benne...
Michael Bennett
Maria Kanellis
Maria Kanelli...
Frank B. Gerdelman
Frank B. Gerd...
Keiichi Yamada
Keiichi Yamad...
Jushin Thunder Liger
Daniel Christopher Covell
Daniel Christ...
Robert Anthony Fish
Robert Anthon...
Bobby Fish
Christopher Scoville
Christopher S...
Jimmy Jacobs
Andrew Everett Wenkel
Andrew Everet...
Albert Christian Hardie Jr.
Albert Christ...
Frank Gerdelman
Frank Gerdelm...
Frankie Kazarian
Matthew Joseph Korklan
Matthew Josep...
Matt Sydal
Matt Korklan
Matt Korklan
Matt Sydal
Andrew Wenkel
Andrew Wenkel
Andrew Everett
Daniel Covell
Daniel Covell
Christopher Daniels
Samoa Joe
Samoa Joe
Christopher Daniel Covell
Christopher D...
Jay Briscoe
Jay Briscoe
Jay Briscoe
Jay Lethal
Jay Lethal
Jay Lethal
Adam Cole
Adam Cole
Adam Cole
Roderick Strong
Roderick Stro...
Roderick Strong
Mark Briscoe
Mark Briscoe
Mark Briscoe
Christopher Lindsey
Christopher L...
Roderick Strong
Mary Louis Kanellis-Bennett
Mary Louis Ka...
Maria Kanellis
Maria Kanellis-Bennett
Maria Kanelli...
Maria Kanellis
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